Thursday, 29 October 2015

Thinking, Wondering and Imagining

Students in Room 16 were inspired by the book On A Beam Of Light: A Story of Albert Einstein after learning that this incredible man barely spoke until he was three years old!  Instead, Albert spent most of his days asking questions about the world around him; thinking, wondering and imagining why things were the way they were.  Upon reflection students took some time to share their own thoughts.

A reading of this book can be viewed at:                                                            

                                                                                                    Student Reflections
- "I think there is a planet like earth out there."
- "I think of what will happen in the future."
- "I think about dinosaurs, how could they do certain things that we can't?"

- "I wonder how big the universe is?"
- "I wonder about the strongest force in space."
- "I wonder how long humans have existed for?"
- "I wonder if there is any life on mars."

- "I imagine the future is going to be full of technology"
- "I imagine what the world would be like without       humans"
- "I like to imagine the impossible."

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Door Decorating for Unicef

Check out our fall themed door and spooky door that we decorated to raise money for UNICEF!

Welcome to Room 16's Blog

Welcome to Room 16's blog.  Here you will find out what we are doing, see the daily agenda messages, find links to different subject areas.  We have settled in to room 16 and are getting into our new routines.  This year our inquiry will be focussed around "Explore, Discover and Create", this will tie in with the work we are doing with the 3 Things for Calgary.

We are encouraging students to have healthy snacks at school.  We appreciate it if you send your child with a water bottle so that they can stay hydrated throughout the day.

Room 16A and any of the students who were in Mrs McLellan's class at the beginning of the year will be going to the Police Interpretive Center next tuesday.  We are still looking for volunteers for this trip.  Please contact Mrs. McLellan if you are able to volunteer for this field trip.

In Social Studies, we are exploring "What Canada Looks like".  This has taken us to the different regions of Canada and we are looking forward to creating some art to show what we have learned.

In Science we started the year off learning about Weather and will come back to this topic through out the year.  We have also tied this into Social Studies and have looked at how the weather varies in the different regions of Canada.  We were fortunate enough to have a meteorologist, Steve Rothfels come into our school to talk to us about weather.   Our next unit is Classroom Chemistry and we are looking forward exploring different mixtures, states of matter, and chemical reactions.

In Math we have been exploring place value and and number sense.  We began the year with whole numbers and are now moving into decimals and fractions.