Sunday, 24 January 2016

How can where we live in Canada affect the way we live?

The students in room 16 have been studying the regions of Canada and the first people that lived in those regions.  

The Royal Alberta Museum has decided to celebrate Canada's history with a very special exhibit called, "Surviving the Wilderness: Canada's Aboriginal Cultures and Heritage."  The museum curator has decided to hire our class to create a display for this exhibit. In order to complete this task to the curator's satisfaction, you and your team will need to focus on the main idea for this exhibit: How were Canada's First Nations cultures able to survive in their unique region?  The curator is expecting this to be a very large and spectacular exhibit, so he has requested that you and your team create a display for ONE region of Canada, and the First Nations people who live there -- he is hiring other teams to cover the remaining regions and Aboriginal cultures required to complete the exhibit.

Students have completed their initial research and have completed slide shows on Google to present their findings. The next steps will be to create a diorama to represent their region and how their aboriginal group lived on the land. Then they will be creating an artifact to represent the way these people lived.

To see the full assignment please click here

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